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These are bags of tumbled glass bagged up and ready to adorn your plan pots! We accumulate glass that isn't used when we order in bulk for our projects. The glass is already tumbled so has no sharp edges and it makes the perfect topper to your plant pots. The glass is already recycled so you'll be doing even more by finding another great use for this gorgeous glass in your garden!


Each bag comes with a mix of colours (mostly darker colours, but still plenty of bright colours) and sizes and are bagged in 750g worth of glass enabling you to top 1-2 pots per bag depending on the size of your pots. Or you may want to create a decorative flower bed or small pathway or maybe you'll have some other creative use for it :)


Or maybe you want to buy it for a simple craft project? That'll work too! We just can't guarantee any specific colours in the mix but it'll be a great little starter bag to get you going.


And FREE shipping for your first two bags ordered.

Plant Pot Toppers - Bags of Tumbled Glass

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